July 27, 2024

Ministry Appreciation Banquet!

Ministry Appreciation BanquetClick here to download a PDF insert for your church’s bulletin!

Spring Newsletter 2013

Greetings to our EHCI friends:

Although we just received another 7 inches of snow here in Stanley spring is right around the corner. The cardinals are singing and many birds are beginning their migration north with more daylight hours available. Likewise, we know that our Lord could soon return as He promised he would. The angels declared, “This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11 Each day is one day closer to HIS return.
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Are You Ready?

Are you ready?As I prepare to speak at the Stanley Awana Grand Prix night, the Lord took me to how fast we will all be changed when the Lord comes again for us. The Scripture says, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”

Have you thought much about the second coming of the Lord? Are you ready? What if He came for you in an unexpected death, a car crash, a heart attack, an aneurysm that breaks? Have you made your peace with God? [Read more…]

2013 Annual Ministry Banquet

banquet1We are busy planning our annual fall ministry banquet. As many of you know the founder and first chaplain of the Evangelical Hospital Chaplain Inc. ministry Pastor Paul & Violet Nelson started having these banquets to honor our supporting church pastors and their wives during “Pastor Appreciation Month.”

Many of our patients and friends of the ministry have attended this beautiful evening of music, dinner, and fellowship. As usual pastors and their wives are our ministry guests.

As in the past the dinner will be held in the Cafeteria of the Marshfield Clinic. We have attempted to have an earlier dinner and program to get us all home at a reasonable hour.

We are hoping that one of our supporting churches mission’s committee will help us with our table decorations. If you feel the leading of the Holy Spirit to minister in this way please contact me.
A free will offering will be taken to help the ongoing work of this ministry.
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Fall Newsletter 2012

Greetings from the Desk of the Chaplain:

Enclosed with this writing is the Flyer and tickets announcing the Ministry Appreciation Banquet on Saturday, October 20th, 2012. We are hoping that all our supporters and their Pastors will come out to give the Lord praise for the great things He has done through this unique ministry of helps and encouragement to those in crisis at Ministry St. Joseph’s Hospital. If planning to attend the banquet and to give an accurate count to our caterer please fill out the back of your ticket and mail in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope provided for your convenience by October 11th. If you need additional advance tickets please give me a call, ask via US mail, or drop an e-mail to me requesting additional tickets prior to October 11th. This is vitally important to ensure an accurate count of banquet attendees for the caterer.
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Spring Newsletter 2012

Greetings Friends in Christ:

As I write this my windows are open the birds are all back and the spring flowers are all pushing to be seen in the flower beds. What a blessing to see winter in the rear view mirror and the dawning of warmer temperatures, green grass, and summer flowers. The seasons certainly are a picture of our own lives and the seasons we go through. The Scriptures declare to us in Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and time to pluck up that which is planted.”
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Winter Newsletter 2011

Greetings from the Chaplain:
As the winter is upon us and I reflect on the many blessings of the Lord this past year I am moved with a heart of gratitude for His grace and mercy towards my family and ministry. I would like to thank you our fellow ministry partners for your faithful support in prayer and giving that keeps this ministry viable. The fall banquet was such a success and I believe a real blessing for those who could attend. The music of the Christian Celtic Band, the message by Dr. Claussen on how God can use palliative care, the food, and fellowship were such a blessing. Your generosity and support of this ministry was truly a gift of the Lord through His people. Thank you. If you were unable to attend we would look forward toward your attendance in the future.
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